okay so our
candyland party is a week away and I'm feeling the pressure. There are so many things I still need to get done. It's like I have no other choice but to wait till the last minute. I'm trying really hard to enjoy these really important birthdays You don't turn one and five everyday. I can't believe how fast my girls are growing up. Maybe
that's part of my frustration.
Madie is starting
kindergarden next week and I'm so not ready for that. She'll be fine, she can't wait to be with other kids again. It's just such a big, new chapter in her life. It reminds me of my school days and I know the happy times and the
heartbreak. All the challenges She'll face, not that that's bad, but as a mom you never want to see your child in pain even if it's good for them. I remember five years ago when I was pregnant with Madison, people would tell me to make every moment last because they grow up so fast. It never really hit me till now. I still can't believe she's five, all those moments, all those laughs, tears, all the booboo's I kissed to feel better. She was my first baby and she has taught me so much. So much about life about her, about my self. So much about God and His amazing grace. She has changed my life and made me fight harder, I am the women I am today because I want more for her. My beautiful girl, so special , there's so much too see when I look into her big brown eyes.